Heritage Museum at Home

For the past couple of years we have been sharing our collection with you in A Heritage Moment and we promise to continue to do this. We would, however, like you to share your collection with us in a new project we are calling WDHM @ Home! Museums use their collections and displays to tell a story. To take big ideas about the world we live in and bring them down to a personal level so that we may make a connection with, and learn from, them. You can do this too. Right now we are all experiencing a moment in history. What we do not want to lose are the day-to-day stories of the people who experienced it. We are asking you to start your own display of “Overcoming COVID-19”. What have you been doing, how can this be represented. Maybe it is a collection of activities at home or the things in your life that have helped you get through (this could be as simple as your coffee cup). It could be a video message to your friends and family, passages from the journal writing you’ve been doing, or even a series of your favourite Facebook memes. Share these with us, tell us why they are important to you, how they help, and any other information you would like to include. We will collect them, share some on our Facebook page and in the newspaper. And then, when this is all over we will use them as part of a new temporary exhibit on the main floor. Entries can be sent by email to wdhm@persona.ca or via mail to 5007–50 Ave, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 0S3. Need some more ideas or inspiration. Give us a call Wednesday-Friday at 780-352-0227 or send us an email or Facebook message.

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Originally publised in the Wetaskiwin Times, April 15, 2020


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