School Room Organ

This artifact was donated by Hugh Stevens.

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In the early 1900’s the one-room schools were few and far between with children driving horse and buggies four or more miles. The Lone Ridge School was filled up and could not take any more. The Goodhands, donors’ grandparents, who had started the Brightview Post Office, store and stopping place helped organize a new school district on April 22, 1909. Fred Leschert was the chairman and Angus Goodhand the treasurer. A debenture was drawn up for the Brightview School District of the North West Territories, Dec. 11, 1909 to borrow $700 at five-and-a-half per cent interest to build a new school. The school must have been built before the money was borrowed because classes started Nov. 15, 1909 and Miss Helen Howlett was the first teacher. It was built on N.W. 8-46-25-W4.

It is not certain when the organ was bought but one of the teachers (the donor’s Mom) Bessie Goodhand, mentioned mice nesting in the organ in 1921. Bessie and her siblings attended the school and then she came back and taught in 1921-1922. The donor’s dad, Russell Stevens, taught in 1929-1930. When the school was sold the donor bought the organ for $5. Their children learned to play on it.


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